Finding the Right Movers in Toronto

Moving to a New Home

 Finding the Right Movers in Toronto

 Once you’ve sold your home and will be moving to your new home, start by contacting a few of Toronto movers to descriptively inquire about your needs, and whether or not their moving services will suffice.  When it comes to movers, you’ll soon realize that not all moving companies are the same across the GTA, and more importantly, they vary in levels of service.

With regards to prescreening, logical questions to ask the movers are things such as, “how long they’ve been in business, verifying that they are licensed and bonded, past referrals (and do confirm the points of contact in the referrals provided), as well experience in residential moving services within the GTA, provincial, and national if applicable.   The common mistake many people will make is settling with the cheapest, or cheaper quote. Saving money should always be a priority, however, sometimes “cheap” may not always produce the best outcome in service-related industries.  Perhaps you should have a mindset of “affordable within budget” rather than “cheapest.”

And when you narrow down your choice of movers, start researching them online- simply Google in the moving company’s name followed with “Etobicoke, Toronto, and GTA” and you’ll arrive on search results related to that business.

Note:  Negative reviews can also be impartial (i.e. review left by a competitor or a dissatisfied customer who unfairly writes a negative review as a result of their own misunderstandings or failure to read the terms & conditions of the moving service not applicable to “hidden fees”)

Lastly, never pay upfront for anything.  If a moving company asks you for money in advance which doesn’t make logical sense, trust your own judgement and move onto the next mover.


Don’t Forget About Your Car

 If you’re undergoing a long distance move to another city and your vehicle is being transported to the new location, be sure to take your car or truck to your local mechanic and have it serviced before leaving.  At least that way you’ll save yourself the hassles of finding an honest mechanic in the event that your vehicle has mechanical issues (you’ll be spending time exploring and familiarizing yourself with the new area, and so the last thing you need are car troubles when you get there).

Switch Over Your Accounts

 Contact your bank, utilities, and credit card companies to have them transfer your account and mail to the new address. This should be done at least a few weeks in advance, prior to your moving date.


Have Kids and Pets?

 If you have any kids or pets, it’s a great idea to ask someone you trust to look after them for several hours a day just before your moving day so that you can focus in getting all your belongings organized and packed. Kids and pets can take a big chunk out of your attention span and time, and so having them “out of sight, out of mind” temporarily can indeed speed up your preparation for the big moving day.

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